Массажная подушка с инфракрасным подогревом "Car and home"

Artikul: P-0692678 Sotuvda mavjud
250 000 so'm / dona

Massage pad with infrared heating "Car and home"


This massager-pillow, which works from the set and from the prikurivatelya in the car. Imeet shirokoe primenenie kak v domashnix usloviyax, tak i v avtomobilnom transporte ili in ofise. Relaksiruyushchaya podushka s infrakrasnыm podogrevom okazыvaet blagotvornыe i rasslablyayushchie deystviya prakticheski na vse gruppy mыshts ruk, nog, shei, plech.




Magnetotherapy, thermotherapy;


Temperature heating around 40 degrees, teplovoy shiatsu massage;


Rasslabit myshtsy shei, plechi;


Ergonomic design;


4 massage rollers, infrakrasnyy podogrev;


Effect everything for 15 minutes.


Nasha Company zanimaetsya realizatsiey naturalnoy vыsokokachestvennoy i poleznoy produktsii ot vedushchix proizvoditeley, kotoraya izgotovlena po traditsionnыm tehnoliyam.

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