Автомобильный вакуумный пылесос 4 в 1 "Car vacuum cleaner"
Artikul: P-0692680 Sotuvda mavjudCar vacuum cleaner "Car vacuum cleaner"
Eo universalnoe and mnogofunktsionalnoe avtomobilnoe ustroystvo, kotoryy sposoben vыpolnyat funktsii pыlesosa i kompressora dlya nakachivaniya shin. The length of the hose is calculated for high-quality and effective cleaning in the trunk of the car. Pylesos works from prikurivatelya in 12 Volt. Thanks ergonomichnym razmeram pыlesos udobno raspolagaetsya v ruke, a protivoskolzyashchaya pen i legkiy ves obespechat dlitelnuyu i komfortnuyu uborku avtomobilya.
Technicheskie characteristics:
Compressor capacity: 100 W;
Power: 120 W;
Length cable: 4.2 meters;
Power supply: 12 V;
Dimensions (length x height x width): 35 x 15 x 12 cm;
Weight: 1.5 kg.
Nasha Company zanimaetsya realizatsiey naturalnoy vыsokokachestvennoy i poleznoy produktsii ot vedushchix proizvoditeley, kotoraya izgotovlena po innovatsionnыm teknologiyam.
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